Monday, 3 December 2012

Leveson needs implementing - letter to MP

FromNic Vine <>
London SE10
ToNick Raynsford MP

SubjectPlease implement the Leveson report in full as promised
I am appalled at the Prime Minister's apparent betrayal of our trust.
It looks as though he is being bent by the winds of the press,
when what he should do is have the courage to lead a cross-party consensus.

Before Lord Justice Leveson’s report into press behaviour was published
the leaders of all three main political parties said publicly and privately
 to victims of press abuse that his recommendations should be taken
forward on a cross party basis. They also said that they would implement
them as long as they were proportionate and workable.

Lord Justice Leveson has recommended self-regulation of the press,
with its effectiveness and independence (from industry and politcians)
guaranteed by law. This is NOT the same as regulation by law.
If self-regulation has no legally-backed guarantee, it will lack the independence
and teeth that are the hallmark of the current failed system of self-regulation
and those for the past 70 years.

As your constituent I urge you to write to the Prime Minister asking him to
back Lord Justice Leveson’s recommendations in full as he said he would,
and to have the courage to lead a cross-party consensus to achieve a lasting
legacy of sustainable press regulation. Let's find a way to do it, rather than
find reasons to not do it.

Yours sincerely, Nic Vine Greenwich London SE10

(You can find Hacked Off on Facebook and on twitter, @hackinginquiry)
(You can sign the petition at

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