How thin is the veneer of civilisation. Although ‘Public disorder’ may be the technical term in the UK , this is not the public being disorderly … it’s disaffected and opportunistic young people who have poor education, no jobs, poor prospects, and decreasing support services. This is not sympathy – I hope the police have the army behind them tonight with water cannon and tear gas – I’m just observing the facts. What we want to see now tactically is the Duggan family disavowing the looting and criminal damage, news that CCTV has identified 100s of people causing damage, and a firm and highly visible hand from government to co-ordinate the police, army and emergency services. We also want the media on the ground (not just in helicopters) finding out what the ‘rioters’ are trying to achieve – my guess is that they have no idea beyond living out some of their computer games and stealing things.
The strategy should include Twitter & Facebook implementing a filter or trace for messages inciting disorder, and blocking and reporting them – just because it’s difficult doesn’t mean they shouldn’t try (and even over-report their success). The strategy also crucially needs to defuse and isolate the drivers for this disorder; public opinion doesn’t need managing, that’s already firmly against what is happening. There has to be a way of channelling the energy of these people into a force for good; for themselves, their communities and the country. This is a huge social change task, and the government should start it today with a top priority, and fund it by extracting money from the financial institutions, and their high-bonus employees, who played a large part in causing the problems we have today where economic disruption causes austerity measures that exacerbate social problems.
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