So the AV vote was a damp squib, everyone knew it would be a 'No' from days before the vote. It just didn't feel like a real, informed debate in the country. Both Campaigns were an insult to most people's intelligence.
I find it hard to understand how inept the Yes Campaign was ... unless they were somehow nobbled (subverted, threatened) and weren't even trying to win. Yet depressingly cock-up is 99 times more likely than conspiracy.
To me the argument was simple: with an increasingly educated populace and increasingly pervasive media communication, there are bound to be more shades of opinion, more diversity in views, and more serious candidates. Under FPTP this means the winning candidate will increasingly be elected by a minority. Under AV the winning candidate will have been the preference, at some level, of more than 50% of the voters, and this is surely closer to democracy.
So that's it on politics from me for a while, I'll be moving on to science, sailing, music and whatever else floats my boat.